America's Foremost Transgender Woman


Penis Enlargement Surgery: Steps to Success

Chapters included in this section:
Penis Enlargement Surgery: The Insider's Guide
Penile enhancement vs. breast enlargement
Penis Enlargement: The quick fixes
PMMA injections for penis enlargement
Penis enlargement surgery: which one is best?
Dr. Elist implant: patient reviews
Dr. Elist penile implant patient reviews: Vey important
The best penis enlargement surgery: The verdict is in
Penis enlargement surgery before and after photos
Penis enlargement surgery: steps to success
Repairing a problematic penis enlargement

Nervous about getting your dick surgically enhanced to a bigger size? Don’t feel bad - even the concept of walking into a strange office under the pretense your dick seems too small freaks most guys out completely.

If anybody understands this level of fear? That person - would be me. I used to nearly faint sharing my trans issues with friends, family and doctors.

I’m also a MONUMENTAL fan of taking correctable steps that make you feel better about yourself. I am a poster-child for success in that regard. My friends all comment I’m always smiling - which is true.

That didn’t seem like a big deal until I was going through old photos from when I lived as male and my girlfriend noticed - they are hardly any pictures of you smiling. Wow - was true!

Getting a Bigger Penis Won’t MAKE you Happy

I feel compelled to share some advice I offer trans-women.

Getting a bigger dick from surgical enhancement won’t make your life better - it will just make you more confident when you strip down or mount the lady of your affection.

If you’re depressed about life in general - you might enjoy a month of euphoria after getting a larger penis but soon enough - the negative you will return.

Surgical enhancement is a healthy tool - not a be-all.

Don’t Feel Embarrassed

I talked to a lot of guys on-line as I developed this new content. Most already completed the procedure - a couple were still looking around like my friend.

Almost every guy was shy and/or embarrassed to talk about it. That’s so wrong: even unfair.

The average vagina stretches over 35% after twenty years between childbirth and aging. Congruently, most men shrink some over time from weight gain and aging.

What guy doesn’t want to at least regain the same sort of pleasure and friction he enjoyed with women years ago?

When you talk to any of these specialists you need to know - they’ll make you feel comfortable. This - is what they do. They will spread to you candidly but also with kindness: I called and spoke with several.

Shyness or embarrassment should be your last concern.

Start Using a Vacuum Pump to Help with Penis Size Results from Surgery

What’s the first thing I recommended to my friend who got his enhancement at Rejuvall? Buy an FDA-approved vacuum pump and start carefully and methodically working on your penis before booking your surgery date.

A penis enlargement can only “enlarge” from available tissue. If you’ve safely worked your penis to create an ideal platform for your enhancement? You’ll get more impressive results.

Just remember: safety matters. Cheap pumps can do more damage than benefit. Don’t skimp in this department!

Next Page:
Repairing Problems from a Botched Penis Enhancement